Grappling cardio LISS and HIIT

Grappling cardio LISS and HIIT

For those of you looking to get into fitness, there is a relatively steep learning curve but don’t let that scare you. When it comes to fitness, a little practical knowledge goes a long way. One of the most highly recommended forms of exercise is something called LISS cardio. If you’re thinking, oh no, not another acronym, rest assured, this one is actually worth learning. Here’s a breakdown outlining the major benefits of this fantastic workout philosophy.

What is LISS Cardio?

LISS stands for low-intensity steady-state, meaning your cardio workout will be at a low-to-moderate intensity level, for a continuous and possibly extended period of time. LISS cardio aerobic exercises have been around for quite some time, however, the acronym ‘LISS’ is fairly new.  This type of cardio is great for Grapplers because it is low impact and it doesn’t take away from your grappling workouts. It also doesn’t trigger a hunger response so it is perfect for those of you who are cutting weight.


Now that you know what LISS cardio workouts are, let’s see how it compares to HIIT cardio workouts. HIIT is known as high intense interval training, where your workout pushes you to the limits, with short bursts of high effort exercises, followed by lower effort rest intervals.


Noticing the difference between the type of exercise you will get from LISS compared to HIIT isn’t the only difference. You will also notice these three major things,


●      The intensity of the activity

●      The duration of the activity

●      The amount of calories burnt


You can think of the differences between HIIT and LISS workouts in the same terms as the allegory of the hare and the tortoise. HIIT workouts are built around the concept of sprinting and sprinting hard, while with LISS, slow and steady wins the race.  

The Intensity

LISS is designed to keep your heart rate at the same steady pace, while still pushing you to your limits. If you track your rate, it should be between 60% to 70% of your normal still rate. If you don’t track it, that’s fine too. You should be able to tell your rate by if you are able to carry on a conversation, or by noticing your breath begin to quicken, but not to the point you’re out of breath. This type of exercise requires a lot of oxygen, and gets your heart pumping at the same time, using both cardio and aerobic exercises.


Using HIIT for your workout routine would be performing as many reps as you can of each exercise at maximum effort. Your heart rate would also be 70% to 90% of your max rate, you’ll be sweating, and will not be able to hold conversation.

The Activity

How long the activity lasts will be a huge difference. LISS typically is compared to running a marathon. Sessions are typically 30 to 60 minutes, while you’re working at a pace that allows you to sustain it for those long workouts.


In comparison, HIIT can be looked at as a sprint. The exercises are usually 20-30 seconds long with a brief rest in between them, and the entire workout is typically only about 30 minutes. You wouldn’t be able to sustain that type of pace for any longer. 

Calories Burned

Most would think that you’d burn more calories during a LISS workout, seeing as it lasts longer, however, it turns out as not true. Once you’re done with LISS, you stop burning calories, with HIIT, you continue to burn them after your workout. How is this possible? PEOC is the answer, it stands for post-exercise oxygen consumption. PEOC refers to the amount of oxygen required to restore your body back to resting state. After high intensity workouts, your body needs more oxygen to get back to resting state than if you had just finished with a low intensity workout.

Which is the Better Workout?

Asking whether HIIT as a workout is better than LISS  or vice versa isn’t exactly a straightforward question because so many different factors need to be taken into account. If you’re a dedicated athlete or an extreme bodybuilder with limited patience, HIIT might be right for you. If on the other hand, you’re looking to lose weight or stay fit at a casual pace that accommodates a busy lifestyle, LISS is going to be the better option. 


Even if you are a bodybuilder, HIIT still has some potential drawbacks depending on your age and how aggressively you train. Certain HIIT exercises can be hard on the body. If for example, you have a heart condition, HIIT is not for you. On the other hand, if you have a heart condition and still want to stay relatively fit, LISS is a safe and effective way to lose weight at a gradual pace and maintain your fitness without overexerting yourself or puting too much pressure on your body.

LISS Workouts

Now that you know more about HIIT, LISS, and the differences between the two, it’s time to explore some of the most popular and effective LISS workouts for you to try. 


Walking: One of the best LISS workouts for your body also happens to be one of the simplest, walking. When you’re just starting out, try going for a walk every other day at a brisk, steady pace for intervals of 25-30 minutes at a time. After the first 6-8 weeks, bump it up to 28-35 minutes at a time. 


Swimming: Who said exercise can’t be fun? Swimming is one of the most enjoyable and effective LISS workouts. Whether you swim in a lake or a pool, swimming is a relaxing exercise that will keep you nice and fit without overtaxing the body. 


You can start out by swimming back and forth in a straight line for 20-25 minutes without taking breaks. Swimming is one of the best workouts for building stamina so keep increasing the duration of your workout session by a few minutes at a time every few weeks. 


Rowing: Another great LISS workout involves rowing. If you don’t live near a body of water to put in a rowboat, kayak, or canoe don’t worry, you can just use a rowing machine designed for exercising. Aim for 30 minute sessions while rowing at a steady pace without stopping. Keep gradually bumping up the duration of the workout over time just like in the other examples.

The Big Picture, Why LISS Cardio Should be a Part of Your Workout Regimen

Now that you’ve read more about LISS cardio, you can see why it’s such a popular form of exercise. LISS cardio is something that you can do whether you’re young or old, it’s something that will keep you fit, trim, and looking your best so get out there and try it out!  










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