5 best exercises anyone can do
5 best exercises anyone can do
One of the biggest and most common misconceptions about exercise is that you have to be physically fit to work out or benefit from working out. This could not be further from the truth, In fact, it is highly recommended that people who are not exactly in peak condition should exercise. Some exercises are better than others. Here are 5 of the best exercises that anyone can do. These are exercises that you can try even if you’re out of shape, you can start with these and work your way up to a more complete, well-rounded regimen that will help you either build muscle, lose weight, or both according to your preference.
1. Push ups
When it comes to exercise techniques, there’s nothing like a good old fashion push up, except maybe 100 push-ups! In all seriousness, if you’re new to push-ups or are just starting to get into exercising, you should only do about 10 push-ups at a time. If you do more, you’ll get an A for effort, and you might build muscle faster than you would by doing fewer push-ups at a time, but you will definitely be sore in the morning!
As a general rule, regardless of which type of exercise you’re doing, you should increase the number of reps very gradually. If you push yourself too far too fast, you could actually do more harm to your body than good. Relax, this is good news! It means that you won’t have to jump into anything too fast or do anything that will push you out of your comfort zone.
Try doing reps of 10 push ups per session for the first week, then 20, then 30, and so on.
2. Squats
If you've ever wanted legs like Beyoncé’s, then you’ll want to do squats, lots of them. Squats are exceedingly simple and easy to do, simply squat down and stand back up, repeatedly. You can probably start out with a higher number of reps than with push-ups when you’re just starting out. It’s generally a good idea to start with 20 reps of squats at a time in sets of 2 per session, totaling 40 squats per session. After a week or two, you can bump it up to 80 squats per session.
3. Walking
Walking is another beautifully simple exercise that is super easy to do. It also happens to be one of the easiest ways to lose weight, especially when combined with dieting. If you take a walk every day and watch what you eat, you’ll lose weight faster than you can say Richard Simmons! When you walk every day, you don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight, just take it easy on the carbs and saturated fats. You can even have a beer every now and again and it won’t do any harm because you’ll be walking it off, literally.
The best strategy for beginners is to try to walk at least a mile round trip within the first week. Then increase that distance to two miles, three miles, etc. until you find the longest distance that you’re comfortable with. Now what if your neighborhood doesn’t have very nice spaces to walk? You can still get your exercise in by walking back and forth or even in your house. As long as it adds up to be the same total distance, you can walk just about anywhere.
4. Side lunges
Side lunges are a great yet relatively simple workout that anyone can do. One thing to keep in mind when doing side lunges is to always keep your back as straight as possible while flexing your knee.
Side lunges build muscle in your outer thighs and glutes, which will give your body more toning and definition which will make you both stronger and more confident. Doing side lunges also improves your balance and gets your heart pumping which is why it’s one of the most highly recommended exercises for cardio.
5. pull ups
If you thought push-ups were tough, wait until you try pull ups! Don’t be intimidated, anyone can do pull ups, it just takes a little determination! Pull ups also happen to be a rocking good workout, they exercise several important muscles in your body that will make your arms stronger, more powerful, and beautifully toned.
This is another simple exercise, just use a bar or an equivalent surface to pull yourself up until your chin is near the bar, then release and repeat. It’s a real workout, but it’s a workout that’s worth it! This exercise strengthens muscles all the way down your arms from your shoulders to your wrists.
Get to it!
Now that you’ve read through 5 of the best exercises that anyone can do it’s time to get out there and start trying them out for yourself. Some of these exercises can be done outside, and all of them can be done inside your own home. Wherever you choose to work out you will have the confidence of knowing that you are doing something good for yourself. You will look better and feel better too!
You’ll get the most value out of these exercises when you incorporate each of them into your regimen. Although you can still benefit from doing one or two, if you do them all, you’ll get even more value out of the each workout.
Remember, these are exercises that anyone can do, the only one that can hold you back is yourself, so let go of the reigns and see what you can do!