what is the most effective throw in judo?
There are many different throws in judo, and the most effective throw can depend on a variety of factors, including the size and strength of the opponents, their level of skill and experience, and the specific situation in which the throw is being attempted. Some throws may be more effective against opponents with certain body types or styles of fighting, while others may be more effective in certain situations, such as when the opponent is off balance or unprepared.
That being said, some throws are generally considered to be very effective in judo competition. These include:
Ippon seoi nage: This throw involves lifting the opponent over your shoulder and then tossing them to the ground. It is a powerful and effective throw that can be used against opponents of any size. Check out my 10 minute morote seoi nage couse here!
Uchi mata: This throw involves sweeping the opponent's leg out from under them and then following through with a hip throw. It is a fast and powerful throw that can be difficult to defend against.
O soto gari: This throw involves sweeping the opponent's leg out from under them and then following through with a leg sweep. It is a versatile throw that can be used against opponents of any size, and it is particularly effective against opponents who are off balance or unprepared.
Ultimately, the most effective throw in judo will depend on the specific situation and the individual strengths and weaknesses of the judoka (judo practitioners) involved.