Uta Abe's Sode-Uchimata
Uta Abe is well-known for her uchimata and her sode-tsurikomi-goshi. And sometimes, she combines both of them to do a hybrid sode-uchimata which is rather unique.
This technique usually happens when she is in a fierce gripping battle and her opponent is holding on tightly to her right sleeve.
If she is convinced her opponent is not going to let go, she rips into a low uchimata, pulling her right arm over. Uke, who is still holding on tightly to the sleeve, inadvertently allows herself to be pulled over because of the grip she is maintaining.
It's very effective but only because uke is holding on so tightly to Abe's right sleeve. And uke is doing so because she is trying to prevent a sode from happening. So, the key to making this technique work is having a strong sode in the first place. Without it, uke might not hold on so strongly, and this technique would then no longer work.
This innovation seems to be unique to Uta Abe as no other player is known to do this on a regular basis. Her brother, Hifumi Abe, does sode as well but not uchimata and he does not do this hybrid variation.