Judo throws in MMA

Here are some Judo throws in MMA and why they are so effective for fighting.


Footsweeps are effective in fighting because when two fighters are locked upright and close range (a position you see pretty frequently in fighting), it is a non-committing attack to the legs. The non-committal nature (like double leg or turn throw), makes it less risky. There are different types of footsweeps and a few different mechanics are at play. If you want more footsweeps, check this video out.

Ippon seoi nage

Ippon seoi nage is a classic martial arts throw and you pretty much see it in all of grappling. It is however much riskier than the footsweep. If you can do it well, you can use your entire body to make your opponent do a front flip or summersault. But if you miss, you give up your back.

Osoto gari

Major outside reap. This is the first technique most Judo schools teach. The basic two kinds is the classic one sweep and the hopping cross body type. It is very effective in fighting. You see the crossbody osoto gari from opposite the underhook side. This is reduced risk of getting your back taken.


Uchimata is called the king of throws. If done properly, you are on one leg, with you and your victim upside down. it takes a lot of skill. It requires a lot of balance. When properly trained, it is a technique that you can throw anyone with. Like the osoto gari, there are two types. One swooping action uchimata and the hopping ken-ken uchimata. They both have their place. But in MMA, its most common to see the hopping style.

Ouchi gari

Inside trip. Not unique to Judo. You see this move in almost every grappling martial art. The inside trip can take a bunch of different forms. The way it’s done in wrestling (on the knees) is a bit different than in Judo. The reason why this move is more closely associated with Judo is because in wrestling, the hips are back (in order to defend leg grabs), so it is not as common as in Judo.

Check out basic judo book by Nobuyoshi Higashi!

Basic Judo
By Higashi, Nobuyoshi


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