Hifumi Abe's Sode-Tsurikomi-Goshi

When you think of Hifumi Abe (JPN), morote-seoi-nage normally comes to mind. But he's also a sode-tsurikomi-goshi expert and he can do many combinations off his unique sode movement (e.g. osoto, kouchi, tai-otoshi).

Normally, players would do sode-tsurikomi-goshi to the opposite side of their normal stance. Kaori Matsumoto, a right-hander, for example, would throw her sode to the left. Naohisa Takato, a left-hander, would throw his sode to the right. So, would Joshiro Maruyama (a left-hander who throws to the right).

But Hifumi Abe (like his sister, Uta Abe), defies convention by throwing to the right despite the fact that they are both right-handers. Conventional wisdom says that, as righties, they should be throwing to the left.

Typically, Abe would take a traditional right-hand grip with his right hand holding uke's left lapel. However, when he wants to do sode, he doesn't adopt such a grip. Instead, he goes for a double-sleeve grip.

His right-hand grip on uke’s left sleeve is done with his palm facing inward and his knuckles facing upwards. (See Shintaro’s demonstration here).

Abe normally does his sode as a standing throw but he's been known to do a drop version, from time to time, especially when dealing with an opponent who likes to adopt a very low stance. Most of the time though, he is able to do it standing.




Double-Sleeve Sode-Tsurikomi-Goshi