Check out my new Patreon Page
Hey, folks… I’ve created a Patreon Page where you can go to for exclusive discussions on our favorite topic: Judo! Here’s the link:
As you know, I put out a lot of free content on judo through my YouTube channel, Facebook Page and Instagram. I also do a podcast with my buddy Peter.
This Patreon Page is a way for judo fans to support all these endeavors. I’ve created different tiers for you to pledge, from a very low amount to something higher. The access and perks are the same whichever amount you pledge because I’m not selling content but providing a means for judo fans who like what I do, to provide some support.
If you enjoy our work and decide to pledge any amount, it will really help us continue creating interesting Judo content for you by covering the costs for content hosting and equipment. It may even allow us to dedicate more time to the podcast and creating content.
Any amount you wouldn't miss on a monthly basis--think about the time when you found some money you didn't even remember in your Judo bag-- would be the perfect amount for you to pledge. If you're unable or just simply decide not to pledge, that is totally fine-- we still appreciate your support!